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Cobalt Alloy 25/ Haynes © Alloy 25/ Udimet L605/ Alloy L-605

Technical Data Sheet

Udimet Alloy L-605 / Haynes Alloy 25 is a solid solution strengthened cobalt-chromium-tungsten nickel alloy which combines excellent high temperature strength and oxidation resistance to 2000°F with good resistance to sulfidation, wear and galling. Alloy L-605 / Alloy 25 has good forming characteristics and is capable of being forged, hot worked or cold worked, althoug it does work-harden very rapidly so frequent intermediate annealing treatments are recommend for complex forming operations. Alloy 25 / L-605 can also be readily welded by most conventional welding methods using similar composition welding wire (AMS 5796) or coated electrodes (AMS 5797). Alloy L-605 / Alloy 25 is supplied solution heat treated in the range of 2150-2250°F and rapid air or water quenched to attain optimum properties. Alloy L-605 / Alloy 25 has many applications in military and commercial gas turbine engine components such as rings, blades and combustion chamber parts although for many modern engines it has largely been replaced by Alloy 188 or Alloy 230.

Chemical Composition Limits
Alloy L-6050.05 - 0.150.040 max0.40 max9.0 - 11.014.0 - 16.01.0 - 2.00.030 max19.0 - 21.0Bal3.0 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

MaterialTemperature °FYield Strength 0.2%Tensile Strength
Elongation (%)Hardness HB
Extruded Bar
Alloy 25 / L-605
RT310 Mpa
45 KSI
862 Mpa
125 KSI
30277 max

Thickness (inches)Yield Strength 0.2%
Tensile Strength
KSI min
Elongation (%)Hardness HRC
Alloy 25 / L-605
Solution Treated (AMS 5537)
Alloy 25 / L-605
Solution Treated (AMS 5537)
Alloy 25 / L-605
Solution Treated (AMS 5537)
Alloy 25 / L-605
Solution Treated (AMS 5537)


Alloy L-605 (Haynes © Alloy 25) is available in Bar (Rounds), Rod, Wire, Sheet, Strip, Forging Stock, Foil, Welding Wire, Billet and L- 605 Vac Melt Bar. For all stock availability contact Sales.


UNS R30605

AMS 5537 Sheet Strip and Plate

AMS 5759 Bar and Forging Stock

AMS 5796 Welding Wire

AMS 5797 (UNS W73605) Welding Rod

ASTM F90 Bar and Wire (surgical implant quality)

GE B50T26

GE B50A460

Tradenames: Udimet Alloy L-605, Haynes 25, Nickelvac L-605

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