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Xi'an Aircraft Industry Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.




ADD:No.19, Zhuque street Xi’an Shaanxi

Nickel Alloy X / Inconel HX ®

Technical Data Sheet

Nickel Alloy X is a nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy with exceptional resistance to oxidation and outstanding strength, this alloy is used in nuclear engineering and heat treating furnaces. Nickel Alloy X is also know as Alloy HX®, Hastelloy X® and Inconel HX®.

Chemical Composition Limits
Weight %CCrCoFeMnMoNiSiWPS
Nicke Alloy X0.05 - 0.1520.5 -230.5 - 2.517.0 - 20.01 max8-10Bal1 max0.2 - 1.00.04 max0.03 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

MaterialConditionTensile Strength ksiYield Strength ksiElongation %Hardness Rb
Nickel Alloy X SheetAnnealed1155045.590


Nickel Alloy X is available in Bar (Round), Round Bar, Flat Bar, Rod, Strip, Plate, Sheet, Wire, Pipe, Tube, Forging Stock, Powder, Extruded Section and Welding Wire. For all stock availability contact Sales.

NEW - Aircraft Materials now offers a comprehensive range of high-quality Nickel Alloy X metal powders, produced and tested to exacting standards for use in all processes including Additive Manufacturing (AM), Near-Net Shape Powder Metallurgy (NNS/PS) and Hot-Isostatic Pressing (HIP). Find out more email us with your quality Nickel Alloy X metal powder requirements: powders@aircraftmaterials.com


SheetAMS 5536, ASTM B435, ASME SB 435, HR204, ISO 6208, DIN 17750, AECMA PrEN2185, AIR 9165-43, LW2.4665 Part 1
StripAMS 5536, ASTM B435, ASME SB 435, HR204, ISO 6208, DIN 17750, AECMA PrEN2185, LW2.4665 Part 1
PlateAMS 5536, ASTM B435, ASME SB 435, HR204, ISO 6208, DIN 17750, AECMA PrEN2185
BarAMS 5754, HR6, ISO 9723, DIN 17752, AECMA PrEN2182, AIR 9165-43, LW2.4665 Part 2
TubeASTM B775, ASTM B829, ASME SB 751, ASME SB 829, ISO 6207, DIN 17751, Welded AMS 5588, ASTM B751, ASME SB 626,Seamless AMS 5587, ASTM B622, ASME SB 622
PipeASTM B775, ASTM B 829, ASME SB 775, ASME SB 829, DIN 17751, Welded ASTM B619, ASME SB 619, Seamless ASTM B622, ASME SB 622
FittingsASTM B366, ASME SB 366
RodASME SB 572, DIN 17752
ForgingsAMS 5754, HR6, ISO 9725, DIN 17754, AECMA PrEN2182, AECMA PrEN2183, AIR 9165-43, LW2.4665 Part 2
RingsAMS 5754
WireAMS 5798, ISO 9724, DIN 17753
PowderUNS N06002
OtherUNS N06002, MSRR 7158, MSRR 7127

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    No.19, Zhuque street Xi’an Shaanxi

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