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Xi'an Aircraft Industry Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.




ADD:No.19, Zhuque street Xi’an Shaanxi

Nickel Alloy 718/ Inconel 718®

Technical Data Sheet

Alloy 718 (UNS N07718, W Nr 2.4668) is an austenitic nickel-based superalloy. Alloy 718 exhibits excellent high yield tensile and creep-rupture properties at temperatures up to 1300ºF and oxidation resistance to 1800ºF. Alloy 718 is used in applications that require high strength such as parts for jet engines and high speed airframe parts such as wheels, buckets, spacers and high temperature bolts and fasteners.

Chemical Composition Limits
Weight %CMnPSSiCrNiMoCbTaTiAlCoBCuFe
Alloy 718
AMS 5662

Typical Mechanical Properties

There are two main types of solution annealed and aging treatments:


Solution Treatment (AMS 5662 Bar / AMS 5596 Sheet): 1725°F - 1850°F + Air Cool.

Heat Treatment (AMS 5663 Bar) : 1325°F for 8 hrs, cooling 100°F/hr to 1150°F, hold at 1150°F for 8hrs min, + Air Cool .

This treatment gives the highest room temperature tensile and yield strengths as well as producing the highest fatigue strength. It is the optimum heat treatment for Alloy 718 where a combination of rupture life, notch rupture life and rupture ductility is required.


Alternative Solution Treatment (AMS 5664 Bar / AMS 5597 Sheet): 1900°F - 1950°F + Air Cool

Heat Treatment: 1400°F for 10hrs, furnace cool to 1200°F, hold at 1200°F for a total aging time of 20 hrs + Air Cool.

This is the prefered treatment in tensile-limited applications as it produces the best transverse ductility in heavy sections, impact strength and low temperature notch tensile strength. However, this treatment has a tendency to produce notch brittleness in stress rupture.

MaterialConditionTensile Strength
Yield Strength
Reduction of Area
AMS 5662 Bar1700-1850°F Anneal----

≤ 277 HB

AMS 5663 Bar1700-1850°F Anneal + Age1851501215≥331 HB
AMS 5664 Bar1900-1950°F Anneal----3" dia 248 HB
3-5" dia 285 HB

1900-1950°F Anneal + Age1801501012≥341 HB

Typical Mechanical Properties of Alloy 718 Bar above and Alloy 718 Sheet below.

MaterialConditionTensile Strength
Yield Strength
Alloy 718 SheetAMS 5596 < 0.1874" thick1408030102 HRB
Alloy 718 SheetAMS 5596 Aged < 0.1874" thick18015012≥36 HRC
Alloy 718 SheetAMS 55971407530≤ 25 HRC
Alloy 718 SheetAMS 5597 + Aged18015015≥38 HRC


Alloy 718 (UNS N07718) is available in Bar (Rounds, Flat, Shapes), Wire, Billet, Strip, Rod, Sheet, Plate, Forging Stock and Welding Wire. For all stock availability contact Sales.

NEW - Aircraft Materials now offers a comprehensive range of high-quality alloy 718 metal powders, produced and tested to exacting standards for use in all processes including Additive Manufacturing (AM), Near-Net Shape Powder Metallurgy (NNS/PS) and Hot-Isostatic Pressing (HIP). 


UNS N07718

Werkstoff Nr 2.4668

AMS 5596 Sheet, Strip and Plate

AMS 5597 Sheet, Strip and Plate

AMS 5589 Seamless Tube

AMS 5590 Seamless Tube

AMS 5662 Bars, Forgings and Rings

AMS 5663 Bars, Forgings and Rings

AMS 5664 Bars, Forgings and Rings

AMS 5832 Welding Wire

ASTM B637 Forgings

ASTM B670 Plate, Sheet and Strip

AFNOR NC 19 Fe Nb,

MSRR 7115 and MSRR 7116

Inconel 718 (trademark)

FMC Spec M40110, M40118, M40125, M40902, M40908, M40909, M40910

NACE MR-0175/ISO 15156

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