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Xi'an Aircraft Industry Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.




ADD:No.19, Zhuque street Xi’an Shaanxi

Nickel Alloy 625 / Inconel 625®

Technical Data Sheet

Alloy 625 (UNS N06625) is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with an addition of niobium. The addition of molybdenum acts with the niobium to stiffen the alloy matrix, providing a high strength without a strengthening heat treatment. The alloy resists a wide range of corrosive environments and has a good resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. Alloy 625 is used in chemical processing, aerospace and marine engineering oil & gas, pollution control equipment and nuclear reactors.

Chemical Composition Limits
Weight %NiCrMoNb + TaFeTiCMnSiSPAlCo
Alloy 62558.0 min20 - 238 -103.15 -4.155.0 max0.40 max0.10 max0.50 max0.50 max0.15 max0.15 max0.40 max1.0 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

MaterialForm and ConditionTensile Strength MPaYield Strength (0.2% Offset) MPaElongation 4D(%)Hardness HB
Alloy 625 BarAnnealed1208276041430≤ 287 HB
Alloy 625 SheetAnnealed1208276041430145-240
Alloy 625 Tube
Seamless and Welded


Alloy 625 (UNS N06625) is available in Round Bar, Flat Bar, Extruded section, Pipe, Tube, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Plate, Hexagon, Forging Stock, Extruded Section, Wire and Powder. View Stock List, Plate Stock List or contact Sales for further availability.

NEW - Aircraft Materials now offers a comprehensive range of high-quality alloy 625 metal powders, produced and tested to exacting standards for use in all processes including Additive Manufacturing (AM), Near-Net Shape Powder Metallurgy (NNS/PS) and Hot-Isostatic Pressing (HIP). 


BarASTM B 446, ASME SB 466, AMS 5666, ISO 9723, VdTUV 499, BS 3076 NA21, EN 10095, DIN 17752, ASME Code Case 1935
RodASTM B 446, ASME SB 466, ISO 9723, VdTUV 499, BS 3076 NA21, EN 10095, DIN 17752, SME Code Case 1935
WireAMS 5837, ISO 9724, DIN 17753
Forging StockASTM B 564, ASME SB 564, AMS 5666, ISO 9725, SME Code Case 1935, DIN 17754
PlateASTM B 443, ASME SB 443, AMS 5599, AMS 5869, MAM 5599, ISO 6208, VdTUV 499, BS 3072 NA21, EN 10095, DIN 17750, ASME Code Case 1935
SheetASTM B 443, ASME SB 443, AMS 5599, AMS 5869, MAM 5599, ISO 6208, VdTUV 499, BS 3072 NA21, EN 10095, DIN 17750, ASME Code Case 1935
StripASTM B 443, ASME SB 443, AMS 5599, AMS 5869, MAM 5599, ISO 6208, VdTUV 499, EN 10095, DIN 17750, ASME Code Case 1935
Pipe SeamlessASTM B444, ASTM B829, ASME SB 444, ASME SB 829, BS3074 NA21
Pipe WeldedASTM B705, ASTM B775, ASME SB 705, ASME SB 775
Tube SeamlessASTM B444, ASTM B829, ASME SB 444, ASME SB 829, AMS 5581, BS3074 NA21, AMS 5581 Type 1
Tube WeldedASTM B704, ASTM B751, ASME SB 704, ASME SB 704, AMS 5581, AMS 5581 Type 2
TubeVdTUV 499, ISO 6207, DIN 17751, ASME Code Case 1935
FittingsASTM B 366, ASME SB 366
PowderASTM F3056, AMS 7001
OtherUNS N06625, W. Nr 2.4856, ISO NW6625, NACE MR-01-75, INCONEL 625 (trademark), MSRR 7264

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