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Xi'an Aircraft Industry Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.




ADD:No.19, Zhuque street Xi’an Shaanxi

Stainless Steel 304 (AMS 5513) /304L (AMS 5511)

Technical Data Sheet

Type 304 is a variation of the basic 18-8 grade, Type 304, with a higher chromium and lower carbon content. Lower carbon minimizes chromium carbide precipitation due to welding and its susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. In many instances, it can be used in the ”as-welded“ condition, while Type 304 must be annealed in order to retain adequate corrosion resistance. 

Type 304L is an extra low-carbon variation of Type 304 with a 0.03% maximum carbon content that eliminates carbide precipitation due to welding. As a result, this alloy can be used in the ”as-welded“ condition, even in severe corrosive conditions. It often eliminates the necessity of annealing weldments except for applications specifying stress relief. It has slightly lower mechanical properties than Type 304.

Chemical Composition Limits
Weight%CSiMnP + SCrNiFeMoCu
AMS 5511
0.03 max1.00 max2.0 max0.040 P
0.03 S
18.0 - 20.08.0 - 11.00Bal0.75 max0.75 max
AMS 5513
0.08 max1.00 max2.0 max0.040 P
0.03 S
18.0 - 20.08.0 - 10.5Bal0.75 max0.75 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

SpecificationTensile Strength (ksi)
Yield Strength (ksi)Elongation (%)Reduction of AreaHardness HB
Sheet (Annealed)
AMS 5511
100 max-40--
Sheet (Annealed)
AMS 5513
75 min3040-202
Bar (Sol Treated)
304 - AMS 5639
Bar (Sol Treated)
304L - AMS 5647


304 is available in Sheet, Strip, Plate, Tube, Bar (Round), Rod, Rings, Forgings. 304 Foil (Shim) is available in various thicknesses. View stock list for further information. Foil Stock List, Sheet Stock List, Plate Stock List. Contact Sales for further availability.

NEW - Aircraft Materials now offers a comprehensive range of high-quality 304 metal powders, produced and tested to exacting standards for use in all processes including Additive Manufacturing (AM), Near-Net Shape Powder Metallurgy (NNS/PS) and Hot-Isostatic Pressing (HIP). 


Types 304 Stainless Steel and 304L Stainless Steel are covered by the following specifications:

Type 304 L Vac Melt (AMS 5647, QQ-S-763, ASME SA 479, ASTM A 276, ASTM A 479, ASTM A 484)

AMS 5501 Sheet / strip 125ksi

AMS 5511 Sheet /strip (ann)

AMS 5513 Sheet / strip (ann)

AMS 5560 Seamless tube

AMS 5563 1/4Hd seamless/welded

AMS 5564 1/8Hd seamless/welded

AMS 5565 Welded tube

AMS 5566 Seamless/welded tube

AMS 5567 Seamless/welded tube

AMS 5569 Seamless/ welded tube

AMS 5575 Welded tube

AMS 5639 Bar / Forgings (304)

AMS 5647 Bar / Forgings (304L)

MIL-T-8506 Seamless /welded tube

MIL-T-5695 Seamless / welded tube

MIL-T-6845 Seamless / welded

MIL-T-8504 Seamless/welded tube

MIL-T-6737 Welded tube


ASTM A276 / ASME SA276

ASTM A479 / ASME SA479

ASTM A484 / ASME SA484

ASTM A276 Powder

BS 970; 304S31 / 304S12

WS 1.4306


UNS S30400

UNS S30403

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    No.19, Zhuque street Xi’an Shaanxi

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